sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

chivay arequipa

visit to chivay

history colca


The Colca's Cannon, placed in the extreme Oriental nor of the region Arequipa, to few hours north of Arequipa Peru's city. The river finds here Colca and the Cannon of the Colca. They can see interesting natural landscapes and condors, flames, alpacas, guanacos, vicunas and viscachas in the journey.
The Colca's Valley
The origin of this valley is due to a fault of earth's crust, eroded for thousands of years for the Peruvian coast's longer river. The river Colca comes to depths of to 3.400 meters at both slopes and over 200 kilometers of length.

There are 14 stepped towns at the Colca's Valley to I deliver it of the valley, fullnesses of life and coloring. The road passes the cutting edge of the cannon in the Condor's Cross. Previous visitors' experiences suggest than the panorama that is observed from there you are spectacular, because I get down the river contrives Colca to a depth of 1,200 meters in the meantime than the rampart of to the front, you get to measure 3,100 meters of height at whose summits they see their perpetual ices and further down the condors fly majestic.

Besides, at the zone they can visit Coporaque's towns, with his impressive church and his so particular history ( asking some villager ), Yanque with his thermal swimming pools; In addition to Maca's and Achoma's restrooms. However, also it is worth the while to visit the valley of the Colca that is rich in history and architecture, since at his towns they can appreciate the most beautiful and more ancient churches of the Peru, once wall paintings were adorned with and valuable pictures of the epoch of cologne.

colca arequipa

Position of the Valley of the Colca



Position: The Colca's Cañon localizes in the extreme nororiental of the Región Arequipa at Caylloma's province itself,, to 165 Chivay's kilometers of Arequipa's and 40 km's city principal town and capital of Caylloma's province.

How getting to the Colca: A
tour must be hired to the Colca from Arequipa's city, or taking an urban bus to Chivay ( 160 km ), from the Terrestrial Terminal of Arequipa.

Access roads: One can arrive to the Colca's Valley from Arequipa's city, to the Valley's capital, Chivay, crossing 160 km. of road asphalted in 3 hours of journey approximately.

Climate at the Colca's Valley: Of December to rainy March, the rest of the sunny year in the daytime and cold in the nights, average temperature 10 C.

martes, 19 de julio de 2011

the hotel sheraton

The  república   #  170  Lima   1 Perú
Telef: 01 243576            01 7745085
Fax: 01 4538187
Hotel Sheraton *****
Rooms: 431 hab   DVD    TV    
Boat service    pirate     beadle:
The Sheraton Hotel and convention center is an EXCELLENT option for the people that travel for businesses or for pleasure in the world of today .Once the historic center was located in the entrance of Lima, 15 minutes from the JORGE CHAVEZ international air port.
The hotel is famous, it offers modern workstations with  access to internet of high speed with  cable wireless , welcoming design and a high temperature environment the this fact  that they will allow our guests remaining in touch with other people
The Peruvian attractive becomes absorbed in contemporary illuminated natural surroundings in the public areas.
Enjoy comforts and the five tar services at our 431 extra big rooms and at all the hotel, with access to internet, a center of business and numerous recreational opportunities.
Modern nice hotel in a central location has nice rooms and a delightful garden.


Barcelona, capital of Catalonia, is a cosmopolitan mediterranean city that integrates its urban layout roman remains, medieval districts and the most beautiful examples of Modernism and the vanguards of the twentieth century.

UNESCO has declared World Heritage buildings emblematic of the architects catalans Antoni Gaudi and Lluís Domenech i Montaner. Roman, its long history and its economic dynamism have provided to Barcelona an impressive cultural heritage, patent in the conservation of its rich historic and artistic heritage and the promotion of the newest artistic trends. A vast cultural events lead the visitor to museums, exhibitions, outdoor sculptures.

Barrió gótico

The Gothic Quarter is one of the oldest and most interesting of the city. Cannot visit Barcelona without seeing the Gothic Quarter. In this area you can see many ruins preserved ancient fortifications of the Roman Empire. Thousands of tourists visiting this area each year and is the most fashionable to live. It is easy to get lost in its winding streets, but the many tapas bars and small cafes do the walking to the more pleasurable. Some of the interesting places to make.

Batllo house

Batlló House -- was designed by Gaudí for a rich aristocrat of Barcelona and is a good place to meet. At present the house is a great museum thanks to God and worth a visit if you
are in the area. Gaudi is an artist so impressionable, that the visit some of his most famous of the city, you may help understand this artist rare and brilliant.

Place tourist of Barcelona:

The ranblas
 Palau reial
Park guell
        Barcelona of Gaudí:
       He poblé español
      The sagrada familia
       The cathedral of Barcelona
       Lago sant maurici